Rogers approved for $11.9M to provide mobile wireless service in northern B.C.

The CRTC announced Friday that Rogers, subject to fulfilling conditions, will receive up to roughly $12 million from the CRTC’s Broadband Fund to build new cell towers to serve roughly 70 kilometres of Highway 37 in northern British Columbia.

The CRTC approved the exact amount the cable giant asked for in its application during the commission’s third call for money from the $750-million Broadband Fund.

It is expecting Rogers to complete the project within three years.

Rogers said it is looking to get new towers up on the highway between Kitwanga and Dease Lake with the latest . . .

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Picture of Ahmad Hathout

Ahmad Hathout

Editor/Chief Reporter - An entrepreneurial, scoop-hungry, nose-to-the-grindstone former Parliamentary press gallery reporter with a passion for unearthing new information and breaking news.