COMMENTARY: The CRTC should revisit part of its wholesale ISP decision

REGULATING AN INDUSTRY involves a careful balance. Telecommunications is a perfect example. It is regulated so that consumers can expect fair prices, quality of service and universal access. On the other hand, the regulated telecom carriers require a predictable environment that allows them to make a reasonable profit in order to satisfy their shareholders and make forward-looking investments to expand their business and keep up with technological innovations.

It has been the mantra of CRTC that regulation should be fair, transparent, predictable and timely.

Telecom in Canada has been regulated since its inception. After . . .

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Picture of Konrad von Finckenstein

Konrad von Finckenstein

Konrad von Finckenstein is a Canadian public servant who has worked in the areas of trade, commercial, competition and communications law. He was appointed to the Order of Canada in 2022.